Working Papers:
- Peer Evaluation and Team Performance: An Experiment on Complex Problem Solving (with John Morgan and Henrik Orzen) Draft Supplementary Appendix Under 2nd round revision
- In two experiments, we study teams that work on complex problems. We show that teams with group rewards that are split through peer evaluation communicate more and report a stronger motivation, but ultimately do not outperform teams with group rewards that are split equally.
- Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing with Social Image Concerns – When Do Fake News Spread Faster? (with Philipp Denter) Work-in-progress draft presenting
- Which situations are conducive to the spread of fake news? We use a theoretical model study peer-to-peer information sharing where signals can be proper or fake. A sender may share to gain status as being highly able or try to signal a certain worldview.
- Appointing the Most Able and Motivated Bureaucrats? The Role of Electoral Incentives (with Otto Swank) Work-in-progress draft presenting
- A competent and motivated bureaucracy is vital for designing and implementing common good policies. We show theoretically how electoral concerns may discourage politicians from appointing competent bureaucrats. Conservative politicians may appoint mediocre and unmotivated bureaucrats to lower trust in bureaucrats and, in turn, reduce the opposition’s and voters’ support for implementing new policies.
Work in Progress:
- Sharing Personal Data – Does Purpose Matter? (with Elbert Dijkgraaf, Emiel Maasland, Elric Tendron and Franziska Weber) data analysis in progress
- When sharing our data with a firm, do we care about the purpose for which the firm wants to use it? And does it matter whether the firm pursues multiple goals, such as a sales and a sustainability goal at the same time? We run a survey experiment in collaboration with a practice partner to answer these questions.
- Ambiguity in Multiparty Electoral Competition (with Philipp Denter)
- When do mainstream parties, that face competition from an environmental party take a stance on environmental issues? When do they choose to stay ambiguous?
- Showing Off and Organizational Culture (with Henrik Orzen)
- Campaigning in Second-Order Elections (with Jori Korpershoek)